This is the first in a series of posts about being FAT.
If that all CAPS & bold word FAT got your attention, because...
You are overweight or obese...
You're willing to change that FAT you for the better— forever...
What's here and coming will be between valuable & useful and life-changing for you.
The purpose of this post is for me to tell my story and, if it resonates with you and...
You want what I've got...
...the promise is you can lose weight... you can cleanse your body of dangerous & deleterious toxins that keep you FAT... and finally have that body, mind and spirit (yes, all three, no kidding) you haven't allowed yourself to dream was possible for years— or perhaps, like me, forever.
For real. You can. I'm proof.
And look again— up there. I said PROMISE.
I have been fat my entire life. I still am— kinda'. (Less so every day. I'll show you pictures soon. AND, when I say that now— that I'm fat— people laugh at me in disbelief and tell me I'm not. Old self-images die hard. And that spare tire IS holding on for dear French fries <smile>...)
AND... that fat image has changed & is changing & will change even more. Fastly, too. In a way that's (ALL things considered) easy & fun & that I can keep on doing from now until the cows come home.
I feel better than I have in decades! I look better. I'm happier. Healthier (working on wealthier <smile>) I think more positive thoughts. Have more energy & strength— physical & mental & emotional. And I KNOW there's more to come.
Okay, if you're still here...
The Backstory
I cannot rightfully call my new & improved size & shape part of my "recovery," 'cause the only time in my life when I had a body I was able to be proud of was when when I was four. (See picture.) That was 60 years ago!
In this picture, I was— outside of Cook's husband, the handyman— the only boy at an all-girls camp, Pinelog, up at Second Lake near Lake Luzerne, in Glenns Falls, New York. My mom was a counselor and the co-founder, Dot Baldwin, was a family friend. All those Vasser & Wellsley girls and me too young to appreciate them <smile>.
After four, I started getting fat.
I was a bored, insecure, only child— a fact substantiated by a way over-long thumb-sucking phase and the assembely of all the childhood building-blocks needed to become a future alcoholic. Single, working-mother. Babysitters. Lots. TV. Lots. I ate for a living.
Add to that Mom's and my food-consciousness, which enthusiastically embraced the new TV dinners, Wonderbread, SodaPop and Twinkies of the mid-1950s, and... I devoured them all like miracle-cures for my bored & lonley childhood. No blame here. Just what was so.
I got my clothes in the "Husky" department. I was so portly, porky and un-coordinated, while the other kids swung at pitched softballs on the playground, I insisted the ball be rolled to me. It was the only way I could hit it. Down on my knees. I was laughed at. Lots.
In the junior high-school gym class locker room I tried NEVER to take a shower. Some of the more "compassionate" boys would grab my "breasts" and say the most charming things about mine being better than most of the girls. Humilliating. That's a good word.
My father was six-foor four inches tall. I was told as far back as I can remember, "Don't worry. You'll shoot up one of these years and it (all that fat) will be gone. You'll see." I didn't— shoot up nor see. I was five-foot nine-plus when I graduated from high school. I weighed 198 pounds.
Over the years— decades is more accurate— I knocked off pounds here and there. Got down to 185... then 175. Stayed there for most of my 40's. Into the 160's for my 50's when I discovered, quite by surprise at the backhands of a local tennis pro, I was a pretty reasonable athlete. Loved tenis and, for a 50-plus starter, I was pretty good. Lost a lot of enjoying sports all-those-years with my "too fat" mind-set.
Also, I NEVER took my kids to the beach or pool. Ever. I was too embarrassed to be seen in a bathing suit. I wasn't a prisoner of my ego's need for looking good. Looking bad is what had me... by two large handfulls on either side of my navel.
I spent almost 20 years of my life deeply involved with Macrobiotics (20 something into my 40s). That's the Japanophile group of folks who eat brown rice and miso soup, OG everything and shun (like the plague it is and they are) refined foods of any kind. To this day I'm an organic food fan & fanatic. Yet all that time I was still fat. No, not just in my mind: Gut (especially— and all the way around), chest, upper inside thighs. Couldn't get rid of any of it. (Think about that: brown rice and veggies and still fat. Crazy.)
I've done the Master Cleanse four or five times. Always lost 10 to 15 pounds each round. Always gained it back. Quickly. Never lost my spare tire.
Last year, I did the HCG diet using the oral spray and only 500 calories a day. Did that for 43 days! Lost 15 pounds. And STILL had my over the short's-top protruding belly. Also, gained all 15 pounds back promptly. Was however proud of the accomplishment.
TODAY, I weigh less than I have for 50 years! Low 140's. What I weighed in junior high school. I did that in a month. Lost 15 pounds. More importantly, eight+ inches gone from my waist. Set aside the L tank tops for new M size. Feels great!
There're LOTS of details to show & tell... and I will.
Game is as I said above:
"I feel better than I have in decades! I look better (muscles smile back from the mirror— there's a six-pack emerging). I'm happier. Healthier. I think more positive thoughts. Have more energy & strength— physical & mental & emotional. And I KNOW there's more and better to come."
Did I say I've lost weight Spiritually? (Now there's a concept <smile>)
What most important of all is that for the first time in more than 50 years I believe with all my heart & sould I CAN have the body I never had and always & in all ways wanted. That feeling... that (so unusual for me) honest-to-goodness expectation... is utterly remarkable. (And thrilling!)
I'm doing a cleansing/weight-loss diet with some advanced nutritional supplementation. (I was in the Natural & Health Foods business for 25 years, so I don't suffer fools nor hypesters at all!). I exercise daily (and look forward to it).
There will be more. Details. All under the heading of "If you want what I've got & I'm getting," I'd love to help you.
If I can pull this all off at 64... most of you have no excuses. (That said as politely & compassionately as I know how <smile>)
I appreciate you.
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