from Beyond the Twelve Steps: Roadmap to a New Life, Lynn Grabhorn.
So, what is your concept of God? If your God is a heavenly dictator, you’re going to see yourself as disconnected and powerless. If your God isjudgmental, you’re into merciless self-judgment. If you see your Higher Power as a partner, that’s closer to the truth but still perpetuates separation.
It’s time to know that you are one with the infinite. Chew on the concept. Play with it. Know with everything in you that you are not apart from, separate from, or alone. Never have been; never will be...
As my Mentor-Sponsor advised:
Find a GOD you can do business with.
Then, have at it. Every moment you can. Always and in all ways.
I appreciate you.
It doesn't matter who your god is or who my God is. It matters who God is and whether or not I choose to believe Him. Believe who He is and that He is.
"Thou shalt have no other gods" includes those gods that we hace made up in our own minds.
Posted by: Bigdaddycj31 | June 25, 2012 at 11:44
LargeDaddy One of the things I appreciate most about the "program" I am studying & following is their insistent reference to "GOD as we understand Him." The we is you & me, and it's up to each of us to have a GOD we can relate to.
My small human mind cannot wrap itself around the whole idea of GOD. HE (SHE, IT...) is Infinite and that's a concept beyond me (pun intended). So, I'm content to be willing to approach the GOD of my understanding from where I am, content & expectant that my "knowing" of GOD will grow and evolve over time & with prayer.
That's as good & GOD as it gets for me now.
I appreciate you Large One
Posted by: John Fogg | June 25, 2012 at 12:47
John, I had no clue that Lynn had written that book until now. I find it interesting to see in the amazon "Look inside" who she lists in her Sampling of Books that she mentions Ramtha and not Abraham-Hicks. (Guess that would be a great question for her.) Anyway, speaking of Abe, here is an excerpt of one of their workshops on the subject of alcoholism:
PS Elon and I still mention your name periodically as one of our own (positive) turning points. Two of the biggest things we are thankful to you for are: the introduction to Abe and the whole concept of "shipping". You were teaching it wa-a-ay before it was cool. :)
Good luck on this next leg of your journey!
Much love,
Posted by: Pat | August 02, 2012 at 03:58