I know "Transformation For Sale" is... strange. Doesn't seem to fit together.
Thing is, that's what's on offer. Specifically, how to...
Transform Yourself in 180 Days.
We begin (again - this is the second "round" for the group) on Monday, March 14. There are still spaces & places available for you.
This Transformation is real. I know because I've done it and I'm doing it right now. My Transformation deepens & grows every day. It's become a habit.
What possibilities in your life & work would the Habit of Transformation open for you?
What possibilities would the Habit of Transformation close for you?
I'm literally creating a new "me" in all domains of my life. And I'm not alone. The folks who were with me in the first round of the program are achieving similar results.
We're doing it with weekly one-on-one coaching (with me), working in "Action & Accountability" daily Call Partnership (Monday through Friday) and as a group (currently there are seven of us) on our Monday night Calls.
We're following a text book (yes, just like in college <smile>): The Power To Transform by Chris Majer and discussing what we're learning and doing the exercises in the book. (And mama, are there exercises! This IS real work!)
Although the cover of the book claims "90 Days To a New You," all the people in this program agree with me that it takes longer. Lots. At least 180 days, and of course, Transformation IS a life-long learning. Once you start to get it, there's no turing back.
Marketers say "You've got to focus on the BENEFITS." In the case of Transformation - YOUR Transformation - that's not really possible, because everybody is so different. I simply canNOT tell you what YOU will get, specifically, from working together with us. I can tell you some of what I've gotten. (And please, there is so much more to be said about each of the things I've written below.)
1. A new awareness & perspective on life - more positive, free & clear. 180 days into this I am 10 times more aware of what's going on inside and outside of me. I have a new set of distinctions that enable me to see things more for what they truly are, rather than my former self-serving (and frequently not serving at all) interpretations. And yes, some of it is scary. You'll learn things about you you didn't know before. Looking at these things is NOT always comfortable. (And you'll learn that "comfort"is one of "The Enemies of Learning" and how to shift that.
2. I take ACTION. Awareness is wonderful BUT without being able to ACT, to make things happen the way I desire & envision... so what.
So what indeed... and, so what kind of Actions?
I've lost 20 pounds (I 've been fat all my life. I now weigh what I did in Junior high school and I'm 63 years old!) I'm sober (you'd probably have to know me to know the size of THAT big deal). I'm following-through on my promises & obligations: from paying off bills & debts to simply doing what I said I would. Before doing this work, I didn't do that well.
My relationships are way better - more honest, clear, open. I listen with less & less judging. I am more decisive and I'm much more clear about what I will and will not allow in my life. I am able to achieve "Peace of mind" when I choose. My business (passion, purpose & income) has improved significantly.
And one key I've learned from our study is I know...
I always have a choice... Always!
There's so much more to say.
All the above is powerful, liberating and it feels fantastic.
If you want to learn more and explore what's in this for you...here are two things to do:
Read the posts here, down there. There are videos, audios & more digging into lots of what this program is all about. Click next at the bottom of the page. There's even more.
And, if the posts intrigure you and you want to know more (and I mean RRReally want to know more), have a conversation with me. Call: 434.964.9303. I'm in Virginia, U$A. Best to schedule a time first and you can do that via eMail: jmftgn(a)gmail.com
Transform Yourself in 180 Days
... begins with our Group Call, Monday, March 14 and continues for six-months. The fees are: a first month payment of $1500 and five more monthly payments of $300 each month. To get in, you'll have to complete an application and have it accepted, and then have a one-on-one call with me.
If you are sincere & serious (and only if you are), again, you are more than welcome to call: 434.964.9303 or send me an eMail: jmftgn(a)gmail.com
If the possibility to unequivocally Transform Yourself in 180 Days in a way that gets results you can see & feel fast is something you desire, dream of & deserve, call me today. There's not much time left and you've got a fascinating book to start reading BEFORE we begin.
I appreciate you!