Here's a recent comment. Thought I'd reply in the blog itself. It's from a new friend, Phil Eldred. We spoke on the telephone about another book Phil was interested in and had ordered from me as an eBook, Breaking The Rules, by Kurt Wright. Here's Phil's comment:
Based on your personal recommendation, I have ordered Chris Majer's book The Power To Transform! I've been watching the videos on his HP2 site and I am blown away by the new commitment-based learning and management methods that he presents.
My passion at this stage of my life is to truly make a difference in the lives of people by helping them make positive transformational changes.
My question to you, John, is: How do you envision using these new methodologies to improve performance in the world of Network Marketing?
All the Best, "Dr. Phil" Eldred
My ioft' misplaced sense of humor had me call him "Dr. Phil." That he enjoyed it was a good thing (he IS a PhD, so...) Okay, to reply:
Good & interesting question, Phil— and one I've given no thought to until you asked.
With the given that transformation is a huge, powerful & positive contribution to anybody's life & work, tat alone would be enough of a benefit. For Network Marketers, which I assert is THE most people-focused business model where personal & professional growth & development has a fundamental role in both individual and team success, I believe this work would be... well... transformational.
Following along with the practices presented in the book, I'd immediately ask: What possibilities would this work OPEN for Network Marketers... and what possibilities would it CLOSE?
I'll let those questions dangle for a day or so (in the hopes that all who read this ask & answer for themselves) before I chime in <smile>
Thanks for asking Dr. Phil.
Please, let me know what you think.
I appreciate you!
