When you choose to be accountable, every new situation becomes a challenge and an opportunity to learn.
The wider you expand your horizon of accountability, the more freedon you gain from the cycle of guilt, blame and shame that can narrow both your own lives and the lives of others.
When you are being accountable, you focus on what is working rather than what is wrong.
If you choose to be a victim, then you will procrastinate, fail to meet your responsibilities, and invent elaborate excuses to explain how your failures weren't your fault.
When you're being accountable, you are always choosing and you own the consequences of your choices.
When you are accountable, your life becomes more interesting and rewarding.
When you are accountable, you don't get caught up in pointless drama and you move through a world of your own creation with dignity and grace.
Victims tend to complain and suffer from all of life's problems. They are easily confused and frustrated. They often have an inflated sense of themselves as a defense mechanism and, curiously, seem to know everything already.
When you are accountable, you move from center. You tend to be enthusiastic, vibrant, alive and aware, enjoying a sense of genuine inner peace, a strong self-image and a commitment to authrntic learning as a way of life.
Choose accountability.
It's the only "Way of Transformation."
From The Power To Transform by Chris Majer.
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