I'm finding something happening with The Power To Transform I RRReally like, and value, and think is a great benefit. I'll explain:
In my book, The Greatest Networker in the World, I wrote about about our positive & negative beliefs and how it was as if we had a set of balance scales in our minds that held these beliefs.
For many or most of us, the side with the critical beliefs (the one with "I can't, I'm not, I'll never..." and the like) is fuller, lower and more weighed down than the positive, encouraging side of the scale. And I said that we can shift the balance of our scales by adding new, more empowering beliefs to the other side. In and over time, with focused effort, our scales will change dramatically with our positive, encouraging beliefs becoming more dominant and we'll take more & better actions that benefit us.
I'm finding a similar kind of thing happening in terms of learning and becoming more competent with some of the distinctions in The Power To Transform. There's a natural, organic evolution ocurring in my ability to "catch" critical assessments and discard them in the moment, choosing instead to make assessments that open & close the possibilities I'm really after.
My awareness is increasing, I'm making more assessments that lead to positive action than those that keep me in patterns of negative behavior & critical (angry, pessimistic, defeatist, gloomy, cynical, fatalistic, dismissive, antipathetic, apathetic, anxious, unenthusiastic, uninterested, unresponsive...) mental judging. (Quite the list, don'cha' think? <smile>)
Shorter story: I'm beginning to think (assess and therefore act) more like I want to; more open, present, connected, centered, positive, in and with choice, and less of those things on the "nasty" list above.
I believe this is a direct consequence of being engaged in this work & study daily.
And if I'm correct, it means that the light at the end of the tunnell isn't Newark, New Jersey (<smile> with apologies to all 278,154 men and women living 8 miles (13 km) west of Manhattan and loving it). It means honest-to-goodness and Godness Transformation is... inevitable.
And that's very cool.
I appreciate you!
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Based on your personal recommendation, I have ordered Chris Majer's book! I've been watching the videos on his HP2 site and I am blown away by the new commitment-based learning and management methods that he presents.
My passion at this stage of my life is to truly make a difference in the lives of people by helping them make positive transformational changes.
My question to you, John, is: how do you envision using these new methodologies to improve performance in the world of network marketing?
All the Best,
"Dr. Phil" Eldred
Posted by: Phil Eldred | December 01, 2010 at 12:18
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Posted by: Marie Hanson | March 31, 2011 at 06:01