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Susan Davis

John: This post flies right along with my video from last night. It is the taking action regardless of.... No matter how bad we "want" "dream" "think positive" "know"..... nothing happens until the action begins and the second most important part is the "continuation" of those actions... starting is the easy part... it is the finishing that people seem to have the issue with!

You`re the "Greatest"


John Fogg

And the vanilla & chocolate of action include both Inner & Outer Action. The "want" and "dream" and "think positive" actions are equally important and many (many) times even more, because they lead to the outer, external "results."

Tanks Susan.
I appreciate you.

Brian Satterlee

Commitment to your company and to your product is crucial, and taking action is necessary. What action is taken will also play into how successful you are. If you are really committed, trial and error will take you where you need to go, but it can be an awfully miserable path.

I think it is a good idea to spend some time learning about what you will do and plan what you will do, before you do it. I am not saying to spend a year at it but a little research and planning can streamline the process quite a bit.


Chris Owen

This is great. I have made many decisions in my life, some good, some bad, but how many have I actually acted on.

The great part about getting older is that you begin to act more on the good decisions than the bad.

I just wish the wisdom to do so kicked in a little earlier.

Chris Owen

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