What I forgot was "Life Purpose," and the vital, useful and powerful function it plays in everything we do (and don't) and especially in who we BE. Your Life Purpose is the North Star that guides our life, the compass for all our choices & decisions... desires, dreams & goals.
So, here's more about that. Please let me know what resonates most & what's best about this for you.
Now, I said in the video that I'm always working on & tweaking my Life Purpose (and the questions I'm asking), so... here's my latest version.
To fully & completely TRUST that I AM an Infinitely Powerful Spiritual Being inseparable from the Source of ALL THAT IS. And by continuously gaining greater control of my thoughts & emotions I am guided by God to focus all my power & influence on making a profound difference in the world by changing the lives of millions of people for the better, forever.
______________________________What will it take for me to fully receive the respect, recognition, admiration & success I deeply desire, dream of & deserve?
What will it take for me to live each moment with awareness, peace & joy certain that my life is always and in all ways PERFECT and that I BeLove it?______________________________
Life Purpose is one the cornerstones of my ONEonONE Mentor-Coaching (http:JohnMiltonFogg.com/Coaching) and "The Weekend With The Greatest Networker..." (http://JohnMiltonFogg.com/TGNWeekend). Please, check them out and learn if you're ready to transform your work & your life for the better forever.
AND, if I can help you "craft" your Life Purpose Statement, let me know...
And please, if you've the time, a request; Please go to YouTube (just click the link to go there) and give the vid a Rating & Comments. That would be most helpful.
I appreciate you!