Do we really "need" a new definition of belief? You might (and you will be the judge of that). I did.
Think for just a moment about all your wants & desires, your goals, dreams & vision. We're taught that for them to come into being we've got to BELIEVE. Problem is, how can you "accept as true" things that haven't happened yet? Sets up a mighty strong "conflict of interests" inside most minds. It sure did mine.
So, I went of search of something more & better. Something that inspired me to action & feeling great, rather than holding me back. Here's what I discovered...
BeliefBusters and BeLove It! are two of the cornerstones of my ONEonONE Mentor-Coaching ( and "The Weekend With The Greatest Networker..." ( Please, check them out and learn if you're ready to transform your work & your life for the better forever.
And please, if you've the time, a request; Please go to YouTube (just click the link to go there) and give the vid a Rating & Comments. That would be most helpful.
I appreciate you!