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dave rayner


John Fogg

Thanks Dave— I'd love to know what makes you say that...?

I appreciate you.

Mark O'Guinn

Hi John,
I just "discovered" you. I've been reading your blogs backward chronologically appreciating the gold mine you've created. I've been wondering if I'd see you making the connections between thought and feelings and thought and belief . Obviously I haven't read all your post yet, but it's time for me to chime in.

You ask "Do you feel fear or are you thinking fear?" Thought and feeling are two sides of the same coin and happen almost simultaneous. However, thought always precedes the feeling (emotion). Even if the thought is subconscious (nothing more than a thought we're not actively aware of...dreams for example) it's the thought first and immediately a feeling...in your example fear.

It's 2:47 AM on a moonless night and you're walking down the street in a "bad" part of a big city. The thought is it's a "bad part of the city" and you get the emotional response associate with this thought. If the thought were this is a "safe part of the city" you would get a completely different emotional response.

Belief is nothing more than thought (often habitual thoughts) and are are very powerful, because of the interplay of thought and feelings.

For example, I have a thought there is a bad guy in the alley that wants to do me harm. The feeling of fear kicks in and re-enforces or validates the "truth" of this thought making it my reality and (very powerful) present belief.
I don't "know" if there is a bad guy in the alley, but my belief is strong enough to change my behavior. Run the other and find a change of underpants.

If however, I'm aware of this "psychological functioning" my awareness can allow me to choose my response to the thoughts occurring to me.

So YES you are correct is saying:

Fear is (no "perhaps" about it) all made up by the mind (THOUGHT not mind: my addition) and doesn't really exist in any other dimension of our being.
The possibility (for me) is that there is no such thing as fear outside of the mind (CONSCIOUSNESS also added my me and worthy of another conversation) . That fear is not real. I made it up.
I look forward to reading your other posts


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