"Belief Week" continues with me giving you one of the best things I've got. Honest.
I'm a hesitant about doing this for a number of reasons: As said, it's "the best" I've got and I "should" be selling it not giving it away. Two thoughts I have about that are One, it's SO important and valuable. It can save you years of struggle & anguish. And Two, if you like & love this, you'll be willing to trust that the whole BeliefBusters Course (and the NEW 300+ page manual due out soon) will be way more than worth it.
I'm also concerned that you won't have the necessary & appropriate background information to use these things I'm sharing with you properly, perhaps even safely. So... Hold my nose and jump "for the highest good of you & me and all concerned."
AND, after hearing from folks about Tuesday's "7-Day Mental Diet" and how they needed more "tools" to help them succeed with it, I just had to. Here ya' be. (This isn't the whole deal here in the weblog. But it IS all in the PDF for you to download.) Enjoy, please.
This is NOT a BeliefBusters Lesson, nor a Special Report. It's a toolbox filled with hammers & nails & saws and things to help you navigate the sometimes (most times) stormy seas of dealing with your negative thoughts & beliefs IN THE MOMENT. Although many of them are taken from later in the BeliefBusters Course, you should know enough now to begin to use these tools.
What's here are a mix of
techniques and "things to do" that will help you manage your thoughts
& emotions. Over time, you'll be able to master them. Try them on for size.
Use them where & when they fit. And stick with it, please. It takes only
one cycle of the moon to form a new belief.
The BeliefBusters First Aid Kit
Negative thinking is an infectious disease. When allowed to continue it becomes negative belief. Negative beliefs are a plague on humanity— the source of all physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disease on Earth. What's needed is to STOP negative thoughts immediately treat them and heal them. Here are some ways to do that a couple of which will, literally, blow your negative beliefs away— right away!
In the early 1330s an outbreak of deadly bubonic plague occurred
in China. China was one of the busiest of the world's trading nations, so it
was only a matter of time before the outbreak of the epidemic spread throughout
Asia and Europe.
In October of 1347, several Italian merchant ships returned from a trip to the Black Sea, one of the key links in the trade route with China. When the ships docked in Sicily, many of those on board were already dying of the plague. Within days the disease spread to the city and the surrounding countryside.
This eyewitness account describes what happened:
"Realizing what a deadly
disaster had come to them, the people quickly drove the Italians from their
city. But the disease remained, and soon death was everywhere. Fathers
abandoned their sick sons. Lawyers refused to come and make out wills for the
dying. Friars and nuns were left to care for the sick, and monasteries and
convents were soon deserted, as they were stricken, too. Bodies were left in
empty houses, and there was no one to give them a Christian burial."
"The Black Death", as it became known, was a terrible
killer let loose across Europe, and Medieval medicine had no way to defend
against it much less prevent it. After five years, 25 million people were dead—
fully one-third of all the people who once lived in Europe!
Of course the "The Black Death" couldn't happen again
today. If symptoms of a bacterial plague appeared anywhere in the world, our
doctors would immediately isolate those infected and treat the patients with
powerful modern drugs such as streptomycin sulfate, tetracycline and other
antibiotics to stop the spread of the disease.
So, why am I telling you this...?
I'm using the story of the bubonic plague of the Middle Ages to
emphasize the extreme seriousness of a current, worldwide epidemic we are now
facing. The disease I'm speaking about didn't originate in some far-off land
and was not brought innocently to any nation's shores. It is not transmitted by
fleas or rats, yet it is highly infectious and this infection is... wait.
First, look at the dictionary definition of disease, please:
(DIZ-ez) n. 1. A pathological condition of a part, an organ, or a system of an
organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or
environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or
symptoms. 2. A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and
harmful. 3. Obsolete; Lack of ease; trouble.
[Middle English disese from Old French des- dis- aise
Now, the highly infectious plague I'm speaking about, is...
THE source of ALL physical, mental, emotional and spiritual disease on Earth..
It is the pathogen of Negative Beliefs.
What the mind believes you WILL achieve— always and in all ways.
I am convinced we are facing a worldwide epidemic of negative beliefs and we need to approach it as modern medicine would an outbreak of the plague: Immediately treat the infection (negative thinking) with "antibiotics" to stop the spread of the disease.
Now, I'm well aware that some of you will consider me an alarmist
who by definition is "needlessly warning or attempting to warn others by
inventing or spreading false or exaggerated rumors of impending danger or
I don't think so. I've witnessed first-hand how destructive negative thinking and negative beliefs have been in my own life— and the lives of many men and women I have coached and counseled over the past 20 years.
Negative thinking IS a disease and negative beliefs are the assassins of success... the killers of your living in 3D—as you Desire, Dream and Deserve.
Negative beliefs take time to change. Think about this please: Can you tie your sneakers... ride a bike... drive a car? How long would it take you to unlearn any of those things? Is that even possible?
Those habits are so deep-seated (and deep-seeded) in your mind and many of your beliefs are like that. The good news is you CAN change your beliefs and it's lots (LOTS) easier than trying to unlearn how to ride a bicycle.
The better news is you can STOP negative thinking before it
becomes a habit of belief. It just takes first aid. So, I'm going to equip you
with a BeliefBusters First Aid Kit, essentially containing some
supplies, equipment and instructions to stop negative thinking as soon as it
appears (and that is a most desirable habit to have).
First, an important NOTE:
This work we're doing with BeliefBusters
is based on one core belief, which is:
You and I are infinitely powerful spiritual beings directly connected to the Source of all Creation.
If you cannot "buy into" this particular belief...
please replace it with some other thinking that connects you to a "higher
power" or "Unifying Principle."
If that idea doesn't work for you either... I'm not sure BeliefBusters will serve you to its fullest potential.
By the way, this (what's above) used to be a significant concern of mine. I was afraid that too many people wouldn't or couldn't relate to the spiritual side of all of this. But then I learned from recent research that well over 90 percent of Americans— not widely acknowledged as the most spiritually inclined nation on Earth— believe in God or a universal spirit... More than half of Americans pray at least once a day... And even a strong percentage of atheists and agnostics expressed similar beliefs in a higher power....
That said, the first device you'll need in the BeliefBusters First
Aid Kit is a tourniquet for the mind. It's function is to "stop
the bleeding" of negative thought. ANYthing that can accomplish that for
you is the right tool for the job. Here are some I've found that work. I'll
start with two of my current personal favorites. The first one is so simple
& so powerful it's funny… literally.
That's it. That's all. SMILE!
The power of a smile simply blows me away. Always works. (The positive
way of saying, "Never fails.") Does so instantly. And as long as you
keep smiling, the negative thoughts & emotions are facing the most
formidable foe they've ever done battle with.
It's an urban legend that it takes four facial muscles to smile and
16 to frown, but don't let that deter you from invoking "The Power of a
Smile" at every opportunity.
You need NOT feel happy. Just smile and you will be… happy…
quickly. There's nothing like it. And, I recommend you add it to the mix of all
that follows here.
By the way, a turbo-charged smile is laughing. Try it. Negative
thought, belief, whatever shows up… smile, then laugh and watch what happens.
Joy versus feeling bad: Joy wins every time. Magic!
"Let go. Let God."
You have a negative thought. As soon as you catch it
("gotcha"), say to yourself or out loud (and more on that in a bit),
"Let go. Let God." You may need to or want to say it again... and
again... and again.... Simply repeat, "Let go. Let God." as many
times as it takes for the negative thought to stop and disappear. (And of
course, you can smile, too, for added effect.)
Here's what you're doing, and this is one of those "good to
know" things, because you are accomplishing way more than simply stopping
the unwanted thought.
First, we learned in early science class that, "No two
objects can occupy the same space at the same time" and that's true for
thoughts, too.
As you begin thinking "Let go. Let God." the previous negative thought gets replaced by the new more positive one.
There simply isn't a place in time and space for both, so... Stopping negative thinking is the first good thing that happens for you. There's more.
Right now, I want you to make a fist. Use either hand, just make
a fist and clench that fist as tight as you can. Let your hand shake with the
tension of your grip. Got it? Good.
Now... Quickly... RELAX; open your hand, palm facing up.
How does that feel?
That's the sensation of RELEASING, of letting go. Part one of
this "tourniquet for the mind" stops the bleeding of negative
thinking AND releases the negative thought itself and there's a real and
tangible sense of liberty in that. Part two, "Let God" begs the
question, "Let God what?"
You're welcome to interpret this one any way that serves you
best. Here's my idea:
I'm letting God deal with it. I release, let go of the negative thought and offer it to God to cleanse, erase and heal.
For me that brings in forgiveness, treating both the symptom AND
the cause, and it also assures that it's all "for the highest good of
myself and all concerned." It also occurs to me that God (the higher power
in my life) is far better equipped to deal with the plague of negative thinking
and belief than I am, so by letting God handle it I'm engaging the ultimate
healer in the Universe in the treatment and cure of my disease.
I mentioned above that you could say, "Let go. Let God." to yourself or out loud. Both work. What I'm finding is that speaking out loud has even more power. Sound adds an additional vibration to thought and the two together multiplies the positive, creative energy. Try it and learn for yourself...
There's lots (and lots and...) more in the BeliefBusters First Aid Kit, and the 18-page downloadable PDF is available by CLICKING THIS LINK HERE.
And PLEASE, do me a "Thank You" by letting me know what find most useful & valuable in all of this. (It's important to me, BUT MORE IMPORTANT is the surprise benefit YOU will receive by doing so. try it.)
I appreciate you.
Thank you for this post, it is very timely. I was just talking to my husband about this very topic. We have been working on our visions and dreams, but I feel my old negative thoughts and beliefs are holding me back. I look forward to reading the rest of your BeliefBusters First Aid Kit!
Posted by: yournaturalpet.wordpress.com | October 28, 2009 at 19:46
Sir John,
Once again I thank you for your wisdom and the seemingly unending generosity in sharing it.
I have been using smiling as a tool ever since I read your manuscript of The Servant Soul. Mind you, I have a lot to smile about. I have a great life ~ in every arena except my MLM biz. There, the negative thoughts swamp me and hold me paralyzed. So I'm going to try to 'let go, let God'. But why does this feel like a cop out? Where's the accountibility in handing it off to an external force? Is this not something I should be striving to conquer myself, by myself, from within myself? In 'letting God', I feel like I'm sidestepping rather than confronting my negativity.
But I only started today. I'll keep at it and report back in a few days.
Heaven knows, a 'release' would be wonderful.
Bliss and blessings as always,
Your avid student
Posted by: Jacqui | October 28, 2009 at 20:51
My Dearest John,
You have always amazed me with your timely information, not only did I love "The Greatest Networker in the World" which also came at a time I was ready to give up, you send me this email with a First Aid Kit for my Negative Beliefs. Again your timing could not be better. I have been camping out down the proverbial Rabbit hole for some time and lately tossed away my rescue line. And for myself decide to let Go! Now you come and remind me of something I have heard and used before and that is the rest of the equation, Let Go and Let God! Phew!!!
And I thought I was looking to stay down here awhile longer:)
Looking forward to the intro work and all that follows! Keep the Fire Burning and thanks for not letting go of your true calling, Being the Angel You Are:)
Running on Empty in Switzerland
Posted by: twitter.com/RockyBradley | October 29, 2009 at 05:33
The Fire is Burning, Rocky. Thanks AND Job#1 is to manage your thoughts & emotions. Use the tools in the First Aid Kit to successfully engage in Emmet Fox's 7-Day Mental Cleanse (Diet). It will work wonders.(another post on this page)
And Rocky, STOP! saying "Running on Empty in Switzerland," unless you mean you're wide open to all the wonderful possibilities comin' at ya'.
Find fault. Celebrate Value. Up to you. They are both always there— everywhere.
I appreciate you!
Posted by: John Fogg | October 29, 2009 at 13:21
Hi John,
Thanks for your timely reminders on how to treat and heal negative beliefs.
I am blessed to be a part of your Network and to receive all these wonderful gifts.
I look forward to seeing you in person sometime. Even though I am a newcomer, it feels as if I've known you personally for a very long time.
Are you certain that you are not The Greatest Networker in the world?
I admire you and bless you!
Posted by: Gwendolyn Belfon | October 29, 2009 at 14:36
Dear John,
Thank you. I have always wondered if people even think of the connections you have outlined. Because if they do, communities and even whole nations would not be enmeshed in the unbelievable troubles they are in.
Well, maybe it is also nature's built-in cleasing mechanism - a built-in self-destruct mechanism when the critical point is reached.
Maria Fe
P.S. I could not download your material. Please send it as an email message.
Posted by: Maria Fe Villania | October 29, 2009 at 22:43
Hello John,
You are so wonderful. I am very grateful to you for this valuable information..
Do I believe? Oh Yes. And thank you for emphasizing belief.
"All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking".. and when washing dishes. I can tell you about that! But walking is much more enjoyable.
Praise yourself and reward success.. I believe this to be very important.
EFT has been my medicine cabinet for years..relieves headaches of every kind...eliminates stress..do the shoulders.
Since I have been following TheFoggBlogg I have had fantastic days. I appreciate you.
Thank you,
Stephanie Blake
Posted by: Stephanie Blake | October 30, 2009 at 21:54
Maria— I don't have an eMail addy for you. So, send me yours > [email protected] and I'll send it to you happily.
I appreciate you.
Posted by: John Fogg | November 01, 2009 at 12:43
I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.
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