Here's something I think will be fun... a "Greatest Hits Wek" in The FoggBlogg.
Yesterday I re-posted a rich & informative "new" piece from one of my heros, Tony Rush
(it's a MUST read if you're involved in direct sales & network
marketing, really). So, idea is... continue the week with some of the
very best things I've come across in the last 20 years. Might even have one of my own in the mix <smile>.
So, another hero, sadly (very sadly) gone offline for a bit, Blair Warren (no link to offer 'cause he's taken his website "Crooked Wisdom" down). I do NOT always agree with Mr. Warren, but he ALWAYS 'cause me to think & feel about important things, especially in one are of his fondness & expertise: Influence. Blair has studied "persuasion" as few others. "Human nature," he says, "is his hobby." Especially our nature when it comes to commercial endeavors.
So here today is a terrific 13-page Special Report Blair wrote called "The One-Sentence Persuasion Course— 27 Words to Make the World Do Your Bidding." First a taste to let you know if you're interested, then a link to the PDF download.
the report, Blair has combined "five insights" he's gleaned over &
after years of study and applying the principles of persuasion. He
says, "Now, these are not the most important because they are
comprehensive - they aren’t.They’re not the most important because
they’ve been scientifically proven - they haven’t.
And they’re not the most important because they’re based on the latest “persuasion technology” – they’re not. They are the most important because they are simple, they are immediately useful, and they can be almost frighteningly powerful. More >>
People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.
There is something else worth noting about this sentence. It is missing something most people think is very important in the persuasion process. Read the sentence again and see if you can tell what it is:Any ideas? If so, you’re one step ahead of the game. Here’s what’s missing: YOU There isn’t a word about your wants, your needs, your hopes or your concerns. There isn’t a word about your offer or proposal. There isn’t a word about what you think. It is all about the other person.
Happy Monday. Click this link for the PDF. And of course, I would love to learn what you find most useful & valuable about Blair's insightful insights.
I appreciate you!